
The Jealousy Game (Part 4)

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RachieFly's avatar

Literature Text

"I don't even remember why I left you in the first place, Tahno."

"I love the smell of your hair, Asami."

"Apparently, Mako likes the smell of dirt."

"And apparently, Korra forgot he was a manwhore."

"Ignore him Tahno; only jealous guys use insults like that."

"And ignore Korra, Asami; only jealous females throw popcorn at their husbands for no apparent reason."

Mako and Korra went back and forth with each other like that the whole movie, leaving Tahno and Asami caught in the crossfire...but they weren't complaining about it. In fact, they enjoyed the crossfire because in meant they'd be a little closer to their ex's, physically and verbally.

By the time the movie was over, Mako was covered in random snacks that Korra had thrown at him and denied. Korra was frustrated because Asami seemed to be touching Mako more than necessary. Asami was giggling because a jealous Korra was a funny Korra and because Mako seemed to be even closer to her. Tahno had his usual smirk on his face and you could tell he was planning something. Bolin was in the bathroom again because he couldn't keep his food and snacks down while watching that movie.

"It's not too late, would you guys like to go bowling or something?" Asami suggested, as the stopped near the snack area.

"That sounds good." Mako agreed.

"Excuse us." The Avatar pulled Mako aside suddenly.

The fire bender glared at her. "What's the problem?"

"You mean aside from all the flirting you're doing with Asami?"

"No, I meant aside from the fact that you've acted like an immature child this whole evening."

"Immature?" Korra repeated incredulously. "How?"

Mako frowned and then pulled some popcorn and jelly beans out of his hair and collar.

She rolled her eyes and moved on. "I think it's time for us to go home."

"And why's that?"

"It's getting dark...and besides, Mako you have some moving to do."


"Yeah, moving your covers and pillow into the living room because your new bed is going to be the couch for a long time."

Mako glared at her again for a bit longer before walking back over to Tahno and Asami.

"So, is that a yes for bowling?" Tahno asked.

"Actually, it's a no." Korra answered before Mako could. "It's pretty late and we have to get up early tomorrow."

"Awe, that's too bad." Tahno put his arm around Korra. "I really wanted to spend more time with you..."

Mako narrowed his eyes and then turned to Asami. "But we can go bowling some other time if you want."

She wrapped her arm around his waste and smiled. "I'd like that."

Korra fumed and it took everything in her power not to attack Asami. Instead she bit her lip and then moved closer to Tahno.

"Yeah, and we can go do something else, Tahno."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know...whatever you'd like."

"Whatever I'd like?" He raised his eyebrows.

Mako clenched his teeth. "So, I guess it's time to part"

"Awe...I wanted to say bye to Bolin..." Asami said suddenly.

"Oh right," The fire bender remembered his brother. "he might be a while though..."

"I'll wait."

Tahno suddenly yawned and stretched. "Well, just tell him I said bye for me."

"Going so soon?" Korra asked immediately; the last thing she wanted to do was to be standing alone with Mako and Asami. She'd definitely lose the game then.

"It's like you said; it's getting pretty late...and I have to practice tomorrow, you know," He glanced at Mako. "since I am the Pro-bending champ and all."

Mako rolled his eyes and Asami just smiled.

"Oh well...okay...I guess..." Korra racked her brain for any excuse to make him stay a little longer but found none. So she just hugged him instead, much to Mako's chagrin.

"...can't leave without a goodbye hug." She smiled as she embraced him.

Tahno grinned and then leaned closer to her face. "How about a goodnight kiss too?"

Before Korra could laugh it off or object, Tahno pulled her face to his and gave her a long smooch on the lips.

Korra's eyes shot open as big as plates and she immediately tried to push Tahno off of her. However, it took him a few seconds before he finally let her face go and pulled back. The Avatar blushed, embarrassed, and then she looked at him as if he was an alien. She backed up a bit and then narrowed her eyes.

"Hey!" She said and then punched him in the chest one time.

"What?" He replied with a grin, rubbing the spot she hit him in as if it hurt.

Without hesitation, Mako stormed over to them, a hostile look on his face. He pulled Korra back behind him and then grabbed Tahno by the collar. Tahno, however, still acted as if he had no clue what the problem was.

"What?" He repeated. "Did I do something wrong?"

Mako cocked his fist back, preparing to knock Tahno into the next life but Korra grabbed his arm.

A guilty look was on her face. "Mako don't…it was my fault; I shouldn't have been leading him on." She turned back to Tahno. "Tahno, I think it's time for you to go."

Mako gritted his teeth and reluctantly let him go. "I know it's time for you to go."

"Leave? But I could've sworn you didn't want me to leave a second ago." He asked in mock confusion. "Did I read the signals wrong?"

Korra looked down, silently regretting trying to make Mako jealous by getting close with Tahno.

"You've overstayed your welcome." Mako said, a deep frown still prominent on his face.

"But this is a public place…"

Fire appeared in Mako's hands without warning. "You're leaving…and the only thing left to discuss about it is whether you're going alone…or with my assistance."

"Okay…fine, fine…" A smirk still on his face, Tahno held his hands up in defeat and back away a bit. "…but if I leave, Korra's coming with me."

Korra looked at him as if he had two heads. "I'm not going anywhere with you, Tahno."

"Or so you think…"

"Korra saved you from the last punch but she won't stop my fury this time." The fire bender threatened. "Go…now!"

"Whatever you say." A fake look of fear crossed his face.

Tahno then did a water bending move with his hands, which struck the other two as odd, and then started to walk out. Before the couple could say anything, Korra started following Tahno..

"What?" A confused look crossed Korra's face. "How…?"

"Korra?" Mako looked at her, confused as well.

Tahno snickered as he walked down the steps, his hands still moving in the air. Korra, on the other hand, looked scared and confused, and her voice seemed even more distressed.

"I can't control my body…what is this? Mako…help..." She struggled to break free but it was to no avail.

Mako was unsure what was going on but he knew somehow, someway, Tahno was responsible for it.

"Tahno, stop whatever it is you're doing!"

The waterbender continued walking. "Make me..."

With all his built up fury, Mako prepared to unleash it all on Tahno. Unfortunately he only got a few flames out before he was stopped in his tracks; Tahno did another waterbending move with his other hand and for some reason Mako couldn't move. It was as if his body wasn't under his control anymore. Asami, seeing trouble close to her, backed up and went to hide.

"Heh, you always were a sore loser." Tahno smirked.

"What are you doing to me...?" Mako demanded as he struggled as well. "Why can't I move?"

"Well, you know how 70% of your blood is made up of water? Yeah, I'm bending that. I also have control of your organs and's called blood-bending." Tahno explained casually, as if it was everyday talk. "Just a little trick I picked up over the else do you think I remained Pro-bending champ for 8 years straight?"

"Let us go...or I swear I'll-"

"You'll what, Mako? You're in no position to be making demands or threats."

The fire bender just clenched his teeth as Tahno forced him to his knees. A few years back, Korra would've been mad and calling him every name in the book, which would've been to no avail...but now she knew that was the wrong approach. She'd heard stories of Blood-bending but never seen it in person and never had it done on her. Now she realized how serious it was and how delicate of a situation she was in.

She absolutely despised being helpless and weak...but she had no choice for now; so she was going to play nice instead of act tough. Because once she got free...hell hath no fury...

"Tahno...what do you want?"

The Blood-bender smirked at Korra. "Why, you of course."

" can't keep us like this forever."

"And when I get free you're going to regret it." Mako spoke.

"Eat dirt." Tahno forced his head to the ground and then turned back to Korra. "That's true Korra, which is why I plan to have Mako take a dive off the watch tower."

"What?" The engaged couple said in unison, alarmed.

"Yeah, you see...we kissed and because of my marvelous lips, you remembered our beautiful history and decided to run away with me...I tend to have that effect on women...and poor Mako here was so distressed and heartbroken that he said he couldn't live without you and he jumped off the watch tower." Tahno explained. "What do you think? Pretty good, if I do say so myself..."

Mako was silent; what could he say or do?

Korra's eyes grew huge again and for a second, fear filled her heart. She couldn't let that happen...she wouldn't let that happen...

"Well, let's go get this over with; me and Korra have big things to do tonight..."

"Tahno, wait...I'll go with you willingly...just let Mako go..."

Tahno smirked; things were going just as planned. Of course, he wasn't really going to kill Mako; he wasn't stupid. If he did something like that Korra might end up in the Avatar State or something and he'd end up decapitated. He just made that story up and made it sound plausible, in hopes that Korra would say something like that. Now all that was left was for Mako to agree...

"No." The fire bender said without hesitation.

"And in return Mako will leave us alone..." Korra said making intense eye contact with Mako.

"Hmm," Tahno pretended to think about it. "that would make things simpler...less blood on my hands...but does Mako agree to these terms...?"


"No?" Korra and Tahno repeated.


"You'd rather plummet to your death?" Tahno narrowed his eyes.


"I said no...despite the way things may have looked tonight, I love Korra and I always will. We've been through a lot together, good and bad, and I wouldn't trade her or the time we've spent together for the world." He paused and looked at Korra. "So asking me to watch her go off with a manwhore like you, against her will, is a waste of breath...because the answer was and will forever be no."

Korra stared at him in awe; Mako wasn't the overly affectionate type of guy, so hearing that made her realize why she was marrying him again in the first place. She loved him.

Tahno gritted his teeth in pure frustration; his objective was to break them apart...not bring them closer together, which is what it looked like was happening. Tahno was, he wasn't supposed to lose...he never lost...

Without warning, he forced Mako to his feet and then threw him against the wall.

"No!" Korra yelled and then Mako thew her behind the snack bar.

The water bender then laughed and continued to smash Mako into the wall. "I'm going to win! I always win!"

Suddenly a big boulder like rock hit Tahno in the back, causing him to lose his hold on Mako and fall to the floor. Tahno shook off the pain and turned to see Bolin standing there, a grin on his face.

"Not today." The earth bender said, crossing his arms. "Who's the sore loser now?"

Tahno used his water bending to take the soda from the machine and then he turned into into ice shards. He proceeded to shoot the many dagger like icicles at Bolin, but the earth bender quickly made a rock wall to block the attacks. Once the attack was over, the earth wall fell back down to the floor.

"Try again."

"Okay." Tahno then began bending Bolin's blood and forced him towards the exit. "How about you take a little stroll into oncoming traffic?"

Bolin's eyes widened immediately. "Well, actually I'd prefer not too; I was told not to play in traffic...Mako, Korra help!"

"Let him go!" Mako demanded as he stood up slowly but surely. He was bleeding and obviously hurt but he still managed to throw some flames towards Tahno.

The flames were dodged and Mako then moved his hands in preperation of shooting lightning. Tahno caught on quick however, and at the last second he moved Bolin so that he was standing in front of him like a shield.

"Ah!" Bolin shrieked when he saw the lightning.

Without thinking or looking, Mako moved his hand just in time so that it'd miss his brother. Unfortunately, the lightning struck Korra, who had just stood up, in the leg.

"Ah!" She yelped in pain.

"Korra!" Once Mako realized he'd hit her, he started over to her.

"Not so fast."

Bolin suddenly ran and jumped on top of his Mako, causing both of them to fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry, bro, I'm really sorry." Bolin said as he unwillingly began to punch at his brother. "I'm not doing this..."

Mako clenched his teeth as he used his remaining strength to hold up his arms and block the oncoming attacks, refusing to do more.

"Entertaining." Tahno remarked with an unstable look in his eyes.

Then, without warning, a rock column appeared under Tahno and shot him up in the air. As he was in the air a burst of flames came out of nowhere and hit him in the chest, sending him flying back behind the counter. He hit the popcorn machine and it fell on him as he landed on the ground with a thud.

Korra stood angrily, a few feet away. She was breathing heavily and prepared to attack again. "Now I remember why I left you, Tahno...not because you were a manwhore, which you were and are, but because you're a full blooded loon."

Tahno stood up slowly and struggled to stay on his feet. Popcorn was scattered all over his hair and in his collar. "Korra...darling...that was so rude...I'll have to punish you when we get home..."

"You're just not getting it." The Avatar cracked her knuckled and then used her earth bending to force two large pieces of the ground in the air, above her head.

But fear was the last thing on the water bender's face, instead there was a smile. He started laughing aloud which caused Korra to hesitate.

"What's so funny?"

"You seem to be the one who's not getting it, Korra." Tahno held his hands up and began Blood bending again. "I'm in control of this situation...I win..."

Korra quickly remembered he could take control of her body if she wasn't careful. She saw him moving his hands again and expected to be moved into a random direction, but she was still in control of her body. She smirked at Tahno, assuming he failed at bending her blood again from weakness.

"My turn." She started to throw the giant pieces of earth at him but was stopped.

"Yes, it's your make your move or the bending brothers?"

Korra didn't have to look back for her to realize he wasn't trying to take control of her before, but of Mako and Bolin. She did anyway though, and she saw the brothers with swords to each others necks.

"Um...Korra...I vote for the bending brothers...I kind of didn't want to die like this...I'd rather have died from Mako's driving..." Bolin said, as he unsuccessfully tried to pull his neck and the sword in his hand back.

Mako stared at Korra and Tahno, trying to figure out any way out of that situation, but finding none.

Korra started to question where the swords came from but decided against it, as it'd be a waste of time. Instead, she dropped the earth pieces and then her head.

"Let them go, Tahno..."

He laughed again. "You see? Little Mako and his brother loses again! I win! I always win! I always-"

A brick suddenly struck Tahno in the back of his head, cutting him off and knocking him out. Asami stood over his body, wiping her hands off and staring at him with an apathetic look on her face.

"Asami..." Korra was stunned.

"...I called the police, Chief Beifong is on her way here to get him..." Asami said, not looking at her.

"...Thank you..."

Asami started toward the exit but stopped beside Korra. "...don't thank me...I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused here today..."

She continued to the door, not giving the Avatar a chance to respond. Before she walked out, she stopped next to Mako and his brother, who were staring at her in awe.

"When I first came here, I was hoping that I'd somehow win your heart back...but now I see I was two really love each other...take good care of her..." Asami hesitated and turned away from Mako. "I hope I find true love like that one day..."

She didn't give him a chance to respond either, instead she walked closer to Bolin. "And I hope you do too...any woman would be lucky to have a guy like you..."

Asami gave one last weak smile and then left out the door without looking back.

It was silent in the theater for a few seconds before Korra dropped to her knees. All of it was a little too much to handle...even for the Avatar. And even though they were in pain, Bolin and Mako rushed to her side, ready to comfort her.

"Are you alright?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, you guys..."

"Hey, I'm alright, barely scathed." Bolin said immediately. "This isn't your fault anyway; what are you apologizing for?"

"This stupid Jealousy Game...I got us into this in the first place...and I couldn't protect you guys..."

"What are you talking about? If anyone is to blame it's me; I should've been protecting you. You're the world's Avatar...but you're my fiance." Mako said as he hugged her.

" still want to marry me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Mako said, surprised she even asked. "Do you still want to marry me?"

"Yeah...under one condition though..."

"And what's that?"

"You must promise me that you'll never strike me with lightning again." She smiled as she looked at her scarred leg. "That didn't feel too good."

Bolin smiled as well and then chuckled along with Korra. The last thing Mako felt like doing was laughing, let alone smiling...but despite it, he gave Korra a weak smile.

"I, you must do two things for me..."

"And what would they be?"

"One; promise me I don't have to sleep on the couch."

"Of course you don't."

"Good...and two; kiss me." Mako said and then didn't bother waiting for her response. He kissed her and pulled away after a few seconds. "I guess we can't blame Tahno really are something special."

"Awe...that's so sweet..." Bolin stared at them with big eyes. "Can you guys show Bolin some lovin' too?"

Mako rolled his eyes but then hugged his brother as did Korra.
The End

Oh my goofy goobers...I actually completed a story! This is the first fanfic I have ever completed in my life that was over one chapter! I'm so proud of myself! I need to go celebrate! Lol

Anyway, how was it? I figured I needed a bit more Makorra in the story since it was mostly humor...the ending was going to be different but I don't think you all would like it if I made Tahno and Asami go off together, lol...

Comment and let me know your thoughts! Also Thank You for all those previous comments! They made me so happy! Comment/Favorites are good for the soul, especially mine. I love you guys!

Can't wait for the ep tomorrow!
© 2012 - 2024 RachieFly
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Soniyamalik's avatar
I love them 💖💕💓💜💛💚💗💘💝💞💟💙💋👄😙😙😘😙😘